Friday, March 27, 2009

My favorite co-workers

Yesterday I wrote about my favorite passengers , today i'm going to write about my special co-workers , some of which ya'll may already know of . 1 . The operator who's knows they have a big run and comes in barley on time ( 5 points if your late )and then dogs it when they get on route . 2 . The operator who knows they have a busy run but still thinks they have enough time to get something to eat . 3 . The operator who knows they a have a wheelchair bound passenger but passes then up with no evidence the lift is'nt working and won't call control center . 4 The operator who always wave at me ( I see you now go back to driving ) . 5 Operators who always take bathroom breaks . 6 Older operators who they don't have to do there job anymore . I have more but i'll get to them later . Now onto the managers 1. The manager who just gets promoted now feels have to come down on you to prove their job . 2 dispatchers who are not there when you report but still want to give you points for being late . 3 Managers who always go by the book then want a favor . 4 The superintendent that's feels the need to have tons of deputy directors . 5 The managers that wish they were cops when they pull a bus over for something small . 6 managers that want to have an attitude of authority but has tons of stories and a reputation proving otherwise . 7 Managers who feel they don't need to know the job just that they to tell you how to do it . The manager who comforts the passenger with a problem the continues to tell me she's retarted . 9 . managers who play the i'm just doing my job card . 10 Managers who either always wants you to sign something or want your account number . Well that's my list more on the way I have to get ready for my afternoon run & the weekend

Thursday, March 26, 2009

my favorite passengers

nothing like a raining morning to remind me of my favorite passengers here we go 1. Passenger that you see from a distance waving yelling anything she do to catch your attention , you wait for her , she's in the doors , then she finds out the bus she ran for dose'nt go where she wants , then of course it's your fault . 2. The passenger who runs to your bus then has none of there bus fare ready ( digging through thier purse or wallet ) . 3. The passenger that has to tell you about their relative who works at septa who's none of us have ever met before . 4 . The passenger who tries to relate to you claiming their job is just like your's but harder . The group of passengers that can never belive your running behind schedule because of a break down or bus switch , and want to complain loudly of how " septa " never gets it right and " ya'll make to much " . Then there's the voice of reason saying I understand my cousin works at septa ............. 5 .The customer who insists on making complaints to customer service while on bus . 6 The customer who misses there connection with another bus or train and insists on it being your fault , and they never think what if the other guy is running early , and you show them on schedule . ( nope it's still you fault ) . 7 . people who insist on holding the line while they either ask for directions or look for their fare . 8 . People who constantly complain about how much the fare is and know thing about the system . 9 . People who don't understand that weather & traffic conditions affect service ( as if he bus had magical wings and could fly over traffic ) 10 . The passengers with kids that act as if this is there first time going out on the bus for the first time and yell as though it's just them on the bus . 11. Passengers who complain about the bus being them pull out a hoagie and prepare to eat . 12 Passengers that act like there mad a bus passed someone ( when in reality they want to go as soon as possible . 13 Passengers who look at you crazy when they get on ............and then love when they get off . 14 Passengers who look at me though the mirror saying with there eyes : please don't pick the crazy guy , the lady with the 5 kids up , please . 15. Passengers that complain over every bump in the road and always ask did we reach so & so ( fill in blank ) . Well those are my favorites ( for now ) let me know your's next my favorite co-workers .

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

End of the day & operator problems

Well the day is over , and there were no major problems . But i've got a question : if an operator gets a complaint should the customer have to come in to a depot or 1234 market and have to give an interview of the complaint or incident ? I'll get more into why later on . well i'm off now to bed my run starts at 5:45 so I have to be up 4:30 . Next time the adventures of drving a bus at septa .

one more thing .............

I find it funny how septa & the union fight change . Today's fight into the 21st century is technology has anyone tried to go twu's website it's horrible first thing is it's so old I think it was there when I got hired 6 years ago . Really twu get it together udate the site come into the new decade . One of the reasons I started this blog is because I hear so many people angry about the system and us as employees are trained to be guarded . So this blog is one way to communicate an idea of mass transit . So next you come across some nasty operator or train conductor , try to remember this blog and write we'll talk about it . Now i'm going to try to rest up for this afternoons battle between traffic a huge ridership , confused but well meaning supervisors .

another morning down

Well we made it past this morning rush without making the news . Lets hope this afternoon is the same . Nothing new to report on the union front we've takin a break from yelling at each other ( negotiating ? ). Getting the hang of this blogging stuff . It's not that bad , big ups to septawatch only problem is to much suburb coverage not that much city stories . well hopefully I can add to that . Well i'm going to take my nap prepare for this afternoon's rush . Be back later on

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

first day

Hello riders : today is our first day i called this blog the last stop because you hear from the talking heads down at 1234 market ( aka hell ) but you never hear from an operator or transit workers experience . Well that's what this blog hopes this clear up . So I'll start the number 1 reason I believe things are so odd & confusing ................... you don"t have transit official's making transit decisions . Instead you have accountants & lawyers making those decisions . And the number 2 reason things are confusing is that people have no idea who makes decisions or the seem uninterested . Today the mayor ( why won't anyone work with me ) Nutter had a talk with twu 234 top brass, problem is the mayor gets his advice from the governor rendell ( aka union crusher ) who has tried some dirty tricks with twu ( see the brookens years of leadership ) . I have no idea yet how those meetings but i have an inside track so stayed tuned ............