Thursday, March 26, 2009

my favorite passengers

nothing like a raining morning to remind me of my favorite passengers here we go 1. Passenger that you see from a distance waving yelling anything she do to catch your attention , you wait for her , she's in the doors , then she finds out the bus she ran for dose'nt go where she wants , then of course it's your fault . 2. The passenger who runs to your bus then has none of there bus fare ready ( digging through thier purse or wallet ) . 3. The passenger that has to tell you about their relative who works at septa who's none of us have ever met before . 4 . The passenger who tries to relate to you claiming their job is just like your's but harder . The group of passengers that can never belive your running behind schedule because of a break down or bus switch , and want to complain loudly of how " septa " never gets it right and " ya'll make to much " . Then there's the voice of reason saying I understand my cousin works at septa ............. 5 .The customer who insists on making complaints to customer service while on bus . 6 The customer who misses there connection with another bus or train and insists on it being your fault , and they never think what if the other guy is running early , and you show them on schedule . ( nope it's still you fault ) . 7 . people who insist on holding the line while they either ask for directions or look for their fare . 8 . People who constantly complain about how much the fare is and know thing about the system . 9 . People who don't understand that weather & traffic conditions affect service ( as if he bus had magical wings and could fly over traffic ) 10 . The passengers with kids that act as if this is there first time going out on the bus for the first time and yell as though it's just them on the bus . 11. Passengers who complain about the bus being them pull out a hoagie and prepare to eat . 12 Passengers that act like there mad a bus passed someone ( when in reality they want to go as soon as possible . 13 Passengers who look at you crazy when they get on ............and then love when they get off . 14 Passengers who look at me though the mirror saying with there eyes : please don't pick the crazy guy , the lady with the 5 kids up , please . 15. Passengers that complain over every bump in the road and always ask did we reach so & so ( fill in blank ) . Well those are my favorites ( for now ) let me know your's next my favorite co-workers .

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